
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Training Recap: April Week 2

Starting a new week on a high from the previous is such a great feeling! I had a successful April Week 1 of "my" new training plan and I really enjoyed my scheduled rest day at Turner Field with my family on Sunday. In case you missed my training blog post, I am using Another Mother Runner's Half Marathon: Finish It Training Plan. While I have now run a full marathon and 3 half marathons, I have run all of these using run:walk intervals. My goal to run an entire 13.1mi without intervals at the completion of this training plan.

Knowing Matt & I are registered for the Warrior Dash on Saturday, I really swapped around my training this week.

Monday: Fun work-out
I decided to run some treadmill hills to also start training for the infamous "Cardiac Hill" of the Peachtree Road Race, which I will be running on July 4th. I checked out the course elevation map and it looks like right before Mile Marker 3 runners will start up a 100' climb. 

I created my own plan for this treadmill attempt...
.25mi 3.0 Incline at 3.5mph, .25mi 5.0 Incline at 5.0mph, .50mi 0.0 Incline at 5.0mph
.25mi 3.0 Incline at 3.5mph, .25mi 6.0 Incline at 5.0mph, .50mi 0.0 Incline at 5.0mph
.25mi 3.0 Incline at 3.5mph, .25mi 8.0 Incline at 5.0mph, .50mi 0.0 Incline at 5.0mph

I didn't want to push myself too much since I still had a full week of training still to go. I felt comfortable with this hill training, it was a bit of a challenge and I will continue to increase the incline, distance of incline and will hopefully be able to increase my speed as well. I really want to be prepared for the PRR Cardiac Hill.

To incorporate some "fun" into today's training, I attended the Active class at Gold's. The class gets your heart rate up with Step, switches over to some weight training and finishes off with a bit of core. I timed this class with my Polar FT7, it lasted 52 minutes long and I burned 540 calories!

Tuesday: 5 Miles
Instead of 5, I decided to do the 7 mile long run since we'll be at the Warrior Dash. I have followed other bloggers who are training/have trained for full or half marathons and they will just add a run to their race day. I will probably do this at some point in my training. I am not familiar with the location of the Warrior Dash so I wanted to get this long run under my belt for the week and not have to worry about it on Saturday.

I struggled with the first 2 miles, not sure if I would be able to complete all 7. Somewhere between 3-4 I got into a groove and cruised through the rest. (This is very normal for me and I hope somewhere along the line, this will just be a crazy memory instead.) I kept my pace steady at a 12mm (minute mile) so I could avoid the run:walk intervals. With under a half mile to go, I increased my speed to challenge myself. My total time for these 7mi was 83min (an average 11:51mm pace). 

Wednesday: XT; or Rest
I chose to return to the Wednesday Power class at Gold's. My lower behind or upper thigh area (couldn't decipher where exactly) was a bit sore last week for a couple days after class. Nothing felt off during class, so I wanted another attempt to see if I could pin point which exercise caused this soreness. I kept the same weights as last week but went lighter for squats. I found that muscle area! The soreness was caused from "downstairs" squats, well that's what the instructor calls them anyway. I was able to avoid that uncomfortable soreness this week!

Thursday: 4 Miles
I have had an open invitation to swim laps while Abigail is taking her swim class for over a year now. It always seems like so much extra work, having to take my change of clothes in addition to Abigail's stuff. Well, until it's a regular habit, it will seem like extra work. So I took all my stuff to swim laps.

I swam the first 10 laps using a kickboard and flippers. My next 5 laps were on my back still using the kickboard and flippers. Then I put the kickboard aside and did 10 full laps freestyle. I'm proud of myself, I even did a few flip turns! I took breather breaks in between a few of the laps, I haven't swam laps like this since high school. Overall it was a great workout and I need to make sure I'm incorporating this into my training on a more frequent basis.
Friday: 3 Miles; or XT
Originally, I had planned to log some miles on Friday. Other responsibilities took priority and Friday ended up being a rest day. 

Saturday: LR: 7 Miles
I am looking forward to the Warrior Dash! We registered for this race with other couples from our community group. Unfortunately, the ring leader encouraged us all to sign up for Warrior Dash wont be competing with us Saturday as he'll be competing in The Great Urban Race with his wife throughout Atlanta. Originally, our race was scheduled for May but then the date AND location was moved, and while the location is now closer to us, it double booked this couple for Warrior Dash. If I remember correctly, they placed 2nd out of all the 2012 600 participants.  We will miss them but wish them lots of luck in The Great Urban Race!
Keep an eye out for a recap of the Warrior Dash this weekend! 

-How did your training go this week?
-Is there a sport or hobby you used to play/do when you were younger and picked it up many years later?


  1. I bet Abs like you swimming too!

  2. Sorry I bailed on you guys! We want to do it next year! We finished 8th in the 2011 GUR Atlanta, 10th at GUR Nationals 2011, then had a baby in 2012. :-)

  3. Sometimes we have to adjust our workouts if our bodies tell us "hey, human, chillax" huh...hate that but it happens to all of us ;) Nice week Jill!
