
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Training Recap: July Week 4

After such a high mileage training week last week, I felt very lazy this week!

After the 24 miles I accumulated between my Saturday and Sunday runs, Monday was a rest day. I actually felt great! No soreness. No achy muscles. Well, my right elbow was still a bit bruised but that was from the "somersault" during my run-hike with Brewer Saturday, not actually from running. This was so encouraging! I still remember being terribly sore for days after my first (hilly) 5K last August, then after my first 13.1 last November and after the WDW Marathon in January. I hadn't run over 13.1 straight since the Half-Marathon I ran in April, so I was expecting some discomfort. I guess I just assumed I would always be sore after races. I am thrilled this isn't the case. With proper training, my body has adjusted to the increased activity levels and it also is great reassurance that I have a good training plan in place as I continue my journey to runDisney's Dopey Challenge.

Abigail's classes got swapped which worked out great because I had a Starbucks interview in the afternoon. I was bummed to not be hired on the spot (a girl can dream) but felt I had a great conversation with the store manager and will wait for her to make a decision on Monday.

INKnBURN has asked for 3 photos of me wearing their clothing for their Ambassador page. I have one photo in the Dragonfly Shorts after the Peachtree Road Race and one photo during the Summer Steamer 10K in the Leaf'em in the Dust Shorts, so I needed a third photo. I asked Matt to snap one of Brewer and me, wearing the Performance Denim Shorts. Brewer has become my running buddy so it's only fitting that he's also introduced in my Ambassador Bio.

After our quick photoshoot, I took Brewer for a run around the neighborhood. He must have been punishing me a bit for not taking him for more frequent runs because he wanted to pee on every single bush and mailbox! I called it quits before we even "ran" 2mi because it was so frustrating.

Abigail attended a little ballet play date another mom I met during Abigail's swim lessons was teaching. I had committed to this play date before Abigail informed me she no longer wanted to take dance. It was a bit of a rough drop-off but Abigail enjoyed her morning, especially the princess crown craft. While Abigail was playing, I headed to a local consignment shop as I've been purging through my closet. I have accumulated four different sizes of clothes plus maternity and whatever doesn't fit needs to go. It's too much of a pain to store and keep organized just in case. I'm in a different life season and most of the clothes aren't even "my style" right now...and those larger sizes I do not plan to be in again, ever.

After our Thursday swim and gymnastic afternoon combo, I headed out to Phidippides for their group run. The extra perk was having Mizuno there letting runners test out the Wave Sayonara. I originally tested these shoes on July 10th (read about that experience here) and wanted to give them a second chance. We ran a 3.5mi loop through Piedmont Park, and it was gorgeous. Since we don't live in the heart of Atlanta, I am still not super familiar with Piedmont Park but it has some really great pathways and I hope to run more with this group in the future.

It turns out while the Wave Sayonara's look amazing, they aren't the right fit for me. I did get great information from a Phidippides employee about shoes that will better suit me when I do need shoes again, so I know what shoes to keep an eye on (hopefully I'll find a great sale) when I need a new pair.

I spent the morning trying to finish typing out my training recap for the week before. Abigail and I dropped Matt off at a friends so they could go camping for the night. Abigail and I had a surprise visit from Nana (Matt's mom) before heading to pizza dinner with friends. Abigail and I snuggled to watch the beginning of Rise of the Guardians before her bedtime, then I watched Identity Thief since I usually have Matt-less insomnia when he's gone.

Abigail and I had a sweet morning, and I planned for a trip to the gym to get some miles in. Turns out I got the childcare hours wrong so my morning treadmill run got nixed.

Abigail attended a painting birthday party where they were instructed how to paint this beautiful beach scene. I thought it was very ambitious for a group of 2-5yr olds, but the instruction was surprisingly easy with simple steps and most of the 4 & 5yr olds finished with excellent paintings. Abigail got a little over zealous with her palm leaves but she had fun. (The sample painting is on top, and Abigail's masterpiece photos are on the bottom.)

In the evening I took Brewer to the same trail we ran-walk-hiked last Saturday. I was hoping to have another great run and take all the correct turns so the 5 Mile Loop, wouldn't become an almost 8 miler again. Our run started great but before Mile 2 I got a call from my grandparents informing me my great-uncle had passed (my grandfather's brother). My heart broke, and I was out on the trail trying to run while wiping tears from my eyes. Homesickness overwhelmed me, even more when I remembered my cousin wasn't able to say goodbye to her grandfather in person because she lives in TX while her family is in VA. While I haven't lived in Tampa since 1999, I always feel homesick when I am miss out on family events. We make every effort to be with family for milestones (most birthdays, baby showers, weddings) but when the unexpected happens, it's really tough for us to travel. Anyway, Brewer and I were able to correctly finish the 5 Mile Loop and I look forward to running it more with him...just with no more bad news phone calls, because that was awful.

I never got enough energy to go on a run but I forced myself out of the house to take Brewer for a walk around the neighborhood. We walked 1.5mi in 30 minutes. I really should take him on more walks, even if we don't run.

-When your training plan has low mileage scheduled, do you feel lazy or do you enjoy the break?
-Have you visited the INKnBURN website yet? What item is most catching your eye?