
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: August Calendar Shot

This photo, from August 2012, has to be one of my absolute favorites from the last few years of taking Abigail to the Walt Disney World Parks! 

-Do you like to stop and take photos in this same location a Magic Kingdom? 


  1. That is a tear jerker! Take her back at 18 for me! I need a side by side of this one. So sweet!

    1. She definitely has the Disney gene and we'll be back plenty before she's 18! I hope by then she'll be doing the bigger runDisney races with me too.

  2. Could this picture be any cuter!!!! When you look back on this over the years, it's going to be more and more precious!

  3. Very sweet! We do like to take pictures in the same spots every year. They almost end up being growth chart pictures for our kids. Fun to watch them grow and change in the happiest place on earth!

    1. I love looking back to compare from visit to visit!

  4. Such a great picture! ::LOVE::

    I do take a picture there! EVERY time I go! It's tradition and so fun to look back on past photos and see how everyone has changed and grown over the years. The same will be for you as Abigail gets older!

  5. That is just the cutest picture!! We do try to take a picture in the same spot each trip. I love how my kids have grown up in Disney pictures over the years.

  6. It goes by so fast. What a nice shot....about to make some more happy memories...what a special place. Thanks for sharing!
