3rd: We returned home from our two week Christmas trip to Tampa. We enjoyed our time away, as we always do, but had to get back to the normal routine at home. Home is even different as Abigail has become more and more of a pro at walking. Matt and I even discussed how much Abigail had seemed to 'grow up' while we were in Tampa.
5th: I took Abigail to her first Storytime at Barnes & Noble. The Story Teller read Here Comes Jack Frost and was very animated. Abigail sat on my lap and snacked on a cheese stick and crackers (to keep her quite).
6th: We dined with friends, The Cooks, at Scalini's for my free birthday dinner. It was a low key day, just the way I wanted it.
7th: I sliced Abs a banana for a snack and could not believe she almost ate the entire thing! She would come over when she wanted a piece, then go play, then return for another piece. She also started pushing up on her tip toes and saying UP.
13th: Abigail and I met some friends at a local indoor playground. It got everyone out of the house since the cold weather had kept us in for almost a week! Moms chatted while the kiddos played. Abigail continues to surprise me with what she can actually do (i.e. what she can climb on!). That evening Abs and I went to visit Matt at work. While he hasn't been working late nights this month (YEA!), I did get him in pizza taste testing that paid $100! After work, Matt was to spend an hour Wednesday and Thursday eating some pizza so Abs was able to get some daddy time in, and daddy was able to show off his daughter to his co-workers.
14th: Abigail's 12mo Pediatrician Appointment. Weight 15lbs 15oz and Measured 28.5in. The Pedi was concerned with her size at her 9mo appt so I took my baby book to this appointment. Abigail has been following my growth so close at each appt, Dr Clements plotted my growth and realized Abigail is following MY curve (at 12mo I was 15lbs 12oz and 28.5in). This child eats and eats, but it looks like genetics will win out. Abigail is just going to be petite like her Mommy and Nina.
15th: We tried to attend a Chuck E Cheese playdate with our MOPS group. Not paying attention, I went to the wrong location! We stayed for almost 45mins and Abigail enjoyed soaking everything in....lots of bright colors and noises. She did enjoy climbing (with some help) on and off some of the toddler rides but did not like it when they moved! At night, while prepping for Saturday's brunch, I tried showing Abigail she could feed herself by helping her guide the spoon into her mouth. What a BAD idea this was! It probably took her an hour to eat the chicken, peas, carrots and pasta from the chicken noodle soup because she insisted on feeding herself with her spoon! (Luckily, this didn't seem to carry over to following days.)
16th: After hosting our first Brunch Potluck with some friends we ventured down to LaGrange to finally exchange Christmas gifts with Nana, Papa, Aunt Val, Uncle J and cousin Gavin. With Matt's grandfather in the hospital then Gavin & Justin getting sick, our Christmas was postponed. Christmas with Abigail and Gavin was lots of fun!
18th: Spied a seventh tooth starting to come through, this one to the left of Abigail's bottom teeth. I guess the teeth are going to be popping through more and more. Her top incisors had started down on December 22nd, her gummy smile is slowly filling in.
20th: Was not fabulous... Abigail woke a lot throughout the night because of a runny nose turning more congested. Then as Matt tried to leave for work he spotted a pond in our front yard! Long story short, there is a busted pipe with the sprinkler system and a plumber helped Matt locate the shut off valve so while the house has water, the sprinkler system does not. This resolution took all day so when Matt wasn't out in the yard playing in mud, he was attempting to help me with our pitiful daughter. She had fever on and off throughout the day and got so sad when she had a little coughing fit (Matt's had this same coughing fit for days).
January Randoms...
-Abs played with my cell one day and took a ton of pictures with the camera phone. I forgot all about it until I was prompted by my phone that I was running out of space; she had taken 8 pictures of nothing.
-The sign language continues. It's super cute when Abigail signs 'please' because I know she still doesn't understand what it means. She'll also use 'cookie' but not consistently.
-Cheese, Shoes, Hot and Up are words Abigail says...I know there are more but I cannot think of them at this moment. She can also point out your nose, eye and belly button. It's funny to watch
-Abs can pick out her rubber duck out of the basket of bath toys when I ask her "Where's your duck?".
-While I know Abs eats lots of yogurt and cheese, she's not interested in milk (even if I water it down). She drank water easily from sippy cups but wants nothing to do with milk. Occasionally, I can get her to drink from my cup, but not often. We're still working on this.
-Not really sure how it started, but if Abigail gets food on her fingers or hand she will extend it to me so I can wipe it off.
I hated milk as a kid too (well I still won't drink it). Not a bad thing for her to love water. My stepmom was just telling me the other day how amazed she was with my water drinking.
Yay! This long update totally made my day! I love the daily breakdown and especially the randoms! The last one about "staying clean" is a page out of my book. My mom tells me I pitched a fit from early on whenever I got dirty, which didn't just mean wiping me off but changing me numerous times a day! Abigail sounds like so much fun these days and I LOVE reading about it!
Hopefully not wanting her fingers dirty means she will like to keep things clean & tidy...a big help around the house. I know she already likes to help with the laundry & folding clothes, well her version is more take the folded clothes and stack them on her little chair or rocker, but it's a start! How she entertained Abuela and I with this while we were there! Absolute joy!<3
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