Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Uncle Wesley by JILL

My brother has been polishing up on his uncle skills recently. I received a phone call from my cousin, Alyssa, to share a bit on Wesley's behavior with kids. They were at dinner Sunday night at our grandparents, as usual. Mason (you've probably 'met' him in some of Matt's photos) was a bit cranky and didn't want what was for dinner. All of a sudden, Wesley's phone started ringing, he was getting a phone call from Santa Clause! Wes spoke with Santa, he was calling to inquire about Mason's behavior this year. The phone call got Mason's attention, and I was told he was on his best behavior the rest of the night. Who knew Wes was such good friends with Santa?

And yes, those are huge life-size inflatables IN HIS LIVING ROOM!
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