Tuesday, June 24, 2008

28 Years Later...The Birthday

Griffin Employee #2457
Originally uploaded by crashmattb

Yep, today I'm celebrating my 28th birthday...at work. But hey, I get to play a triple-header in softball tonight, so that should be fun (as long as I don't hurt myself too bad).

You know, birthdays are fun, as they should be since it's the one day that everyone calls, emails or says Happy Birthday to you! And for one day a year you're brought to the realization that growing old is inevitable. However, I'm looking forward to my 28th year since our first child will be born in about 6 months from now, which means birthdays take a whole other meaning when it's actually your child's.

Anyways, have a great day, and I will do the same. :-)


Uma and Wil said...

Happy Birthday! I hope your coworkers let you win a little since it's YOUR day :). And I completely share the sentiment when it's your baby's. Wil is already planning for her first--scary, isn't it?

Kristi said...

Happy birthday man! Did you come out of softabll un-harmed last night?
btw-I love the griffin employee video. I may have to show my work that. My picture is up on inergi's site, http://www.inergi.com/our_team.html

crashmattb said...

Thanks Uma & Kristi. I actually had a pretty nice birthday. Jill made my day by surprising me at work with one of those large birthday cookies. So delicious! As for softball, we won the last of the 3 games, and I managed to hit 2 homeruns, so not too shabby. Unfortunately, I did some damage to both knees during the games, so this morning is a little tough. Life of being Crash.

Uma, I completely understand Wil's thinking. I've been thinking about birtdays, Christmas mornings, and all those other events that we'll get to enjoy with our kids. :-)

Kristi, definitely share that video. I think overall it really shows the laid back, fun and creative workplace we have here. Too many places pride themselves on being cut and clean...and boring.

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