Saturday, May 8, 2010

Indian Rocks Beach

On Saturday, we drove to Indian Rocks Beach to visit friends, Robert & Jeri, and go to the beach!
Abigail has only been to the beach one day last May, she was hot and cranky at only 5mo old. She and I attended a playdate a few weeks back at a giant indoor sandbox, Abigail did not like the sand and wanted nothing to do with it. With those in mind, I was not sure what to expect from this beach trip but tried to be prepared. Abigail wore water shoes, we had an umbrella and tent for shade, and our giant outdoor blanket. When we stopped to find the umbrella, Nano just had to get her a bucket and shovel to play in the sand.

Abigail really enjoyed this day at the beach! She sat in the waves with daddy and played in the sand. We had fun picking out shells and putting them in the bucket. Abigail even seemed to enjoy the water, as long as she wasn't in her little float. I hope we can take her back before next summer!

We went inside for lunch and Abigail had some fun playing with Ace.

1 comment:

"Nina" said...

Ace had fun with Abigail!

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