Monday, January 19, 2009

Abby Jack Turns 4 Weeks Old

This past Saturday we reached a big milestone as our little Miss Abigail officially turned 4 weeks old. Considering how much of a heart-warming and life-changing blur the last month has ultimately been, we can't begin to explain how great it is to have our baby girl around to hug, kiss and hold. There are no words to describe the feeling of being a parent, especially when those cute little eyes stare right back at you and smile. As the days go by, she's beginning to make the transition away from her newborn status and it shows with more faces, more smiles and more sounds that welcome us each and every day. And I just can't wait to see how she continues to mature in the coming weeks and so on. I know I've been told a hundred times by so many that time will absolutely fly by as I watch her grow up, so I will continue to take countless photos of her as often as I can so that we can all look back with the fondest of memories.

Thanks for everyone's continued thoughts and comments, and for checking in on us constantly to see what new things are going on with us. Having all of you connected via this blog really makes us feel so much closer than we really are. Much love to you all. Thanks again. Have a great week, everyone!

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